Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Color Treatments Are Usually Carried Out In Diamonds?

"There are other treatments to be performed on those stones, such as HPHT. This process essentially restores a diamond of low quality, high quality" fancy colored diamond "by subjecting it to processes that created the original and changed color by adding a dye, generally any gas.

Other processes, which were originally used, but are turned off, the radioactive salts, such as radio, which is a health hazard and, therefore, was used only for short periods of time. This process creates a pearl, and green colors, which are the rarest of diamonds, due to natural radiation, which creates a shadow, there is rarely strong enough to cause deep shades.

However, none of these processes are carried out on a stone that has been its natural color. This is because these processes of change of diamond, usually for the worse. Following this, it is important to consult with a jeweler that the diamond fancy color you want as to the origins of color, like a natural color diamond can be priced much higher than that introduced the artificial processes . "

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