Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Significance Of The Wedding Ring Through The Ages

From the age of ancient Egypt the custom of wearing wedding rings was a widespread custom to be followed in almost all cultures and traditions. Looking at history, we see that the custom of wearing the wedding ring began in ancient Egypt. Since then, the wedding ring was a symbol of love and union of man and woman. After marriage, it is estimated that the two souls of man and woman become one. And the wedding ring is for the symbolic representation of the union of two souls. In ancient Egypt, the famous papyrus were twisted and braided into swarovski dog collars for fingers and larger bracelets for wrists. Therefore, we can say that in addition to other contributions to the events in the history of papyrus has also contributed to the creation of custom wedding rings.

The circular shape of the ring also considered important because the circular shape symbolizes eternity, and therefore the ring symbolizes eternal love. The Egyptians believed that the wedding ring is worn on the fourth finger of his left hand. There is a belief behind this practice. The belief that there is a vein in that finger that goes straight to the heart. Thus, by wearing the ring on the fourth finger of the left hand holds the beloved is closest to the heart. This vein has been known as a € ~ cellar amorista € ?, which is Latin for a € ~ lovea € ? style. But this belief has no foundation in reality there is no existence of such a vein.

Other than the Egyptians, the Romans also followed the tradition of wedding buy swarovski crystals. They also followed the tradition of wearing the ring on the fourth finger of his left hand. And since this practice has on the finger came to be known as the ring finger. In addition, the ring was also the Romans symbolic property of men over their wives. By the ring of gifts to their wives, men have established their control over their wives. In those days the ring was made of iron, which symbolized strength. But in the third century of use to use iron as a metal ring was changed to gold or silver. The reason behind this change is that the iron has begun to corrode. Therefore, increasing the sustainability of the wedding ring they chose metal ring gold or silver.

For the Greeks also the fourth finger of the left hand was considered the correct finger to wear the ring. Therefore, the tradition of wearing the ring on the fourth finger of the left hand not changed much to date. Furthermore, in Asian countries also have the tradition of the wedding ring has different connotations. In Asian countries the ring symbolizes a kind of ownership over their wives. When the men were away from their wives were forced to wear a puzzle ring, which dissolve upon removal. Therefore, in those days marriage was more a question to prove possession of a symbol of love.

But the originality of the concept of the wedding ring was above all a symbol of love, faith and dependence on each other.

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